CARE as new partner of the German Climate Finance website

CARE participates in the website project
Many millions of people worldwide are already experiencing the impact of climate change, and this has made itself increasingly felt in CARE’s work. Our partners and the people we support feel its effects personally, whether through direct damage caused by increasingly powerful storms, crop losses and the need for food aid due to recurring droughts, or through the dangers of melting glaciers in the Andes. A particular concern of ours is the strengthening and equal rights of women and girls, for whom the effects are often particularly severe. Although vulnerable communities are already implementing numerous measures to address and mitigate the consequences the best they can, it is becoming clear that, in the face of increasing climate impacts, financial support is key to promoting sustainable development, overcoming poverty and limiting global warming as closely as possible to the 1.5°C goal envisaged in the Paris Agreement.
That is why we are working in Germany and internationally, to attain more and better support for developing countries by the industrialized countries in particular on the basis of their obligations under international law.
Germany plays an important role in international climate finance: For many years it has been a highly positive driver of the UN climate negotiations, and with its concrete cooperation projects, it has supported many people affected by climate change. These efforts must continue under the new German federal government, because the rapid advance of climate change does not allow for taking breaks. Experience has shown that both the quantity and the quality of climate finance are important. Transparency is necessary to understand who is providing financial resources to whom, whether the allocation is in line with international commitments, and whether it will continue to grow in view of the increasing climate risks. This also helps to develop the international climate finance architecture further and share Germany’s experiences internationally. The website is a key instrument to critically and constructively monitor Germany’s financial contribution.
Building on CARE’s many years of commitment on the ground, in many projects worldwide that promote climate resilience as well as our political commitment on the international stage, we intend to work together with our civil society partners to speak out for ambitious, fair, transparent and effective German climate finance, now and in the future. We therefore actively support the work of this website with our expertise and experience.
Sven Harmeling / CARE