About this website

Since 2011 Brot für die Welt, CARE Germany-Luxembourg, Germanwatch, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation and Oxfam Germany have been running the website on German climate finance. The site is designed to critically evaluate and increase transparency regarding the German government’s contribution to international climate finance. The website aims to provide an independent accompaniment of the international climate finance provided by the German government and is also a platform for civil society actors from the Global North and South.

In over 200 articles the website has accompanied German climate finance for over 10 years. These articles provide an overview of the financial commitments from Germany, key developments and the different instruments and channels Germany uses for providing climate finance. They also discuss relevant topics on the implementation of climate finance, such as human rights standards, the integration of gender issues as well as the participation of civil society and local communities in the funded projects. The website also has a section for publications and background information on climate finance accounting and reporting, different funding channels and transparency and impact.

The German website also includes a database that provides greater detail and assessments of how resources are used across countries and sectors. The database includes all German development cooperation projects that the government has classified as relevant to the climate and specified for the areas of emissions mitigation and adaptation to climate change. This database provides the basis of the info graphics and further analysis of German climate finance.

The German development ministry (BMZ) and the International Climate Initiative (ICI) are providing their own websites on German climate finance and publish project data there. We welcome this move toward greater transparency and study the information they contain with great care. We hope that with our own website and database we can contribute towards more transparency in German climate finance.

  • Towards a Political Compromise on the NCQG Contributor BaseThe policy brief by Germanwatch explores the strengths and limitations of current approaches to determine the contributor base of the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) and additional capability and responsibility considerations. It thus aims to supports negotiators at the upcoming UN climate negotiations in Baku (COP29).
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  • Calculating the Loss and Damage Finance GapStudy by Germanwatch and Climate Analytics calculating the financial gap in to address climate related loss & damage.
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